沄枭留学网老师介绍,澳大利亚教育部门公布的对全澳39所大学评比中,澳大利亚联邦大学毕业生起薪点排名首位;学生对课程的满意程度排名第二位;教学素质排名第三位;综合技能排名第五位,并且连年被澳大利亚 "优秀大学指南"评为"教学质量优秀五星级"大学。
Graduate Certificate in Social and Community Services:开始面授,此前线上授课的offer将会更新为面授
Master of Social Work (Qualifying):从Graduate Certificate in Social and Community Services升学入读的不再要求额外的英语测试
Bachelor of Nursing:申请不再要求12年级数学或科学类课程(或海外同等学历内容)
Master of Data Science
Master of Applied Cyber Security
Graduate Certificate in Social and Community Services + Master of Social Work (Qualifying) package
Bachelor of Business - Cognitive Enterprise focus area
Bachelor of Arts- remains on offer at our Victorian campuses
Foundation Studies Program
Diploma of Business (Higher Education)
Diploma of Engineering (Higher Education)
Diploma of Information Technology (Higher Education)